Red Dead Redemption 2 Xbox One Average ratng: 3,4/5 4133 votes

Now featuring additional Story Mode content and a fully-featured Photo Mode, Red Dead Redemption 2 also includes free access to the shared living world of Red Dead Online, where players take on an array of roles to carve their own unique path on the frontier as they track wanted criminals as a Bounty Hunter, create a business as a Trader. This page contains a complete list of all 37 Cheats that are available for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions (just released on Nov. 4, 2019!) for Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). Red Dead 2 cheats.

PlayStation 4 - and latterly, PS4 Pro - have taken centre-stage in Red Dead Redemption 2's pre-release marketing campaign, meaning we have a pretty decent idea of how Rockstar's latest epic presents on Sony hardware. Today, we can discuss the Xbox One versions of the game, and the key takeaway is this: if you're looking for the very best RDR2 experience, Xbox One X is the go-to platform for this game.

Rockstar's stunning technological achievement runs at native 4K on the X, and also delivers the smoothest performance. Bearing in mind just how far Rockstar is pushing current-gen hardware, that's a stunning achievement.With that said, while there are key differences between the four different console versions, the level of commonality in terms of the visual feature set is worth emphasising.


Long-time Digital Foundry readers may remember that the original Red Dead Redemption saw a reduction in environment detail - specifically with foliage - on PlayStation 3, with Xbox 360 delivering richer landscapes. There are no such differences that we could spot with the sequel. Environments are equally as lush on all platforms, rendering effects are almost a complete match, while draw distances and pop-in are just as solid regardless of the machine you play it on.

Read Eurogamer'sHowever, the implementation of certain effects - shadow quality and the intensity of depth of field - is tied to rendering resolution, an aspect of the presentation that varies substantially between each version of the game. At the top of the stack sits Xbox One X, rendering natively on ultra HD displays and looking magnificent. Taking the runner-up position here is PlayStation 4 Pro, which uses a reconstruction technique - likely checkerboarding - to take a native 1920x2160 framebuffer up to 4K.Muddying the waters here a touch is the temporal anti-aliasing solution, which seems to interfere with the quality of the reconstructed output, giving a double-width pixel effect that emphasises the original 1920x2160 image, and it is noticeable on a 4K display. While it can't be completely ruled out, we found no evidence at all of dynamic resolution scaling (DRS) on any of the console versions of the game - the pixel counts are locked. Take a look at the screenshot comparisons on this page, and the X advantage is undeniable.

As expected, pixel-counts on PlayStation 4 resolve at the de facto standard 1080p, while the Xbox One S - quantifiably the lowest quality experience - delivers just 864p. The effectiveness of Red Dead Redemption 2's temporal anti-aliasing scales in line with pixel-count so while PS4 passes muster, Xbox One S looks blurry and grainy, with a particular impact on the quality of foliage and shadow rendering - which is perhaps not surprising as Microsoft's machine is only managing 66 per cent of full HD resolution. By extension, the resolution scaling between Xbox One and X is unprecedented: the enhanced console is designed to quadruple the base machine's pixel-pushing output but instead, Red Dead Redemption 2 is delivering a 6.2x boost to resolution, with further improvements on top of that.It's not just resolution that separates base and enhanced consoles - there's texture quality too. Install sizes are identical between standard and 4K machines (106GB on Xbox One, 98GB on PS4) but the more powerful consoles deploy higher resolution textures, mostly noticeable in characters and clothing. Curiously though, there isn't a dramatic improvement in general quality terms - on both base and enhanced systems, the art sits well within the intended resolution 'canvas' of each system. Despite the X console's big RAM advantage over its PlayStation equivalent, art quality seems to be the same.Beyond that, and aside from variation in the implementation of ambient occlusion, it's all about performance - and it's here where Xbox One X surprises us still further.

Despite its immediately apparent resolution advantage over PS4 Pro and its massive boost to pixel count over Xbox One S, the X also has a tangible performance advantage over every other version of the game. Red Dead Redemption 2 targets 30 frames per second, frame-pacing is consistent on all platforms, but there's a clear difference in performance in the game's busiest areas, with the enhanced consoles clearly running more smoothly. Once again, top of the pile is Xbox One X. Bar one cutscene that strangely runs slower on X than any other platform, Microsoft's enhanced machine delivers a nigh-on locked 30fps with only very minor dips in performance in the most detailed city areas. Rockstar's new TAA eliminates effectively eliminates shimmering, producing a remarkably clean image across all platforms. As you'd expect, Xbox One X fares best with its native 4K output.

The reconstruction technique used on PS4 Pro tends to produce blurrier, more pixelated foliage while the low resolution on the base Xbox One effectively kills fine detail visible in this forest. This shot was captured one frame after a scene change which reveals the raw image before the TAA works its magic. The base Xbox One features greatly reduced AO quality while the lower resolution images in general exhibit more dithering. The Pro shot also reveals the base texture in one small spot on Arthur's shoulder. All four versions fare much better in the snowy regions but clearly texture detail still suffers at lower resolutions even if most of the assets are identical.PlayStation 4 Pro is the next most stable platform, delivering entirely consistent performance in the wilderness but again, dropping frames in towns and cities. However, it's clearly not as stable as the X.

For example, there are frame-rate dips in Valentine - a smaller town - while the Microsoft machine is basically flawless. Meanwhile, the base consoles both perform well in the wilderness, but performance is more variable in urban areas with the densest areas hitting the low 20s on both base consoles. In these areas, the standard Xbox One seems to have a small advantage over the PlayStation 4, suggesting that we may be hitting CPU limits (where the Microsoft machine has a frequency advantage). This may also explain why Pro is smoother, and how X offers up the most consistent experience of the bunch.Overall, while Red Dead Redemption 2 scales with the capabilities of each console, there's the sense that the standard Xbox One under-delivers in resolution terms, suffering visually because of it - the TAA system thrives on resolution and there's the sense that there just isn't enough for it to work as effectively as it does on the other systems. Meanwhile, on the flipside, the more you look at what the X is delivering, the more remarkable it is. Generally speaking, Xbox One X has 3.3x the compute power of PlayStation 4 - but what you're getting is a 4x resolution boost and a near-locked 30fps where Sony's base machine can struggle in some scenarios.

And despite the TAA effect, intricate detail is still resolved on X - and you definitely feel that you're getting value from your 4K display.There's clear variation between the consoles then, but it is worth stressing the positive points - there's platform parity in terms of the vast majority of the rendering features, with no noticeable omissions on the base machines, which are divided only by resolution. While performance can be variable, I'd still say that the PS4 and Xbox One S still hand in more stable frame-rates than the original Red Dead Redemption, with fewer variations in the visual make-up than the last game too. But really, to see this phenomenal game at its absolute best, Xbox One X is the platform of choice - and by quite a considerable margin.

Cheat codesPause the game and press Y to display the 'Cheats List', then press Y again to enter cheat codes. Note: Some cheats require you to meet certain in-game requirements before using them. Additionally, enabling codes prevents the game from being saved and achievements from being earned. It is recommended to manually save the game before enabling cheat codes. Also, cheats are not case-sensitive.Infinite ammoEnter ' Abundance is the dullest desire' as a code to have unlimited ammunition. Note: Before this code can be activated, you must purchase the 'New Hanover Gazette No. 27' newspaper in Valentine (Chapter 2).

Infinite deadeyeEnter ' Be greedy only for foresight' as a code to have unlimited deadeye. Infinite staminaEnter ' The lucky be strong evermore' as a code to have unlimited stamina. Note: Before this code can be activated, you must purchase the 'Blackwater Ledger No.

68' newspaper in West Elizabeth (Chapter 5). Heavy weaponsEnter ' Greed is American Virtue' as a code to unlock the Pump-Action Shotgun, Bolt Action Rifle, Mauser Pistol, and Semi-Automatic Pistol.

Note: Before this code can be activated, you must purchase a Lamoyne newspaper after completing the 'Advertising, The New American Art' mission (Chapter 3). Simple weaponsEnter ' A simple life, a beautiful death' as a code to unlock simple weapons.

Stealth weaponsEnter ' Death is silence' as a code to unlock stealth weapons. Fortify health, stamina, and dead eyeEnter ' You Seek More Than The World Offers' as a code to fortify health, stamina, and dead eye. Note: Before this code can be activated, you must purchase the 'New Hanover Gazette No. 36' newspaper (Chapter 6). Full health, stamina, and dead eyeEnter ' You flourish before you die' as a code to refill health, stamina, and dead eye. Add $500Enter ' Greed is now a virtue' as a code to add $500. All camp upgradesEnter ' Share' as a code to unlock all camp upgrades.

All outfitsEnter ' Vanity. All is vanity' as a code to unlock all outfits. Note: This code requires a newspaper to be activated. All recipesEnter ' Eat of Knowledge' as a code to learn all recipes.

Reveal entire mapEnter ' You Long for Sight but See Nothing' as a code to reveal the entire map. Note: Before this code can be activated, you must purchase a Lamoyne newspaper after completing the 'Blood Feuds, Ancient And Modern' mission (Chapter 3). High honorEnter ' Virtue Unearned is not virtue' as a code to have high honor.

Note: Before this code can be activated, you must purchase the 'Blackwater Ledger No. 67' newspaper in West Elizabeth (Chapter 4).

Reset honor balanceEnter ' All is balance' as a code to reset honor balance. Increase wanted levelEnter ' You want punishment' as a code to increase your wanted level. Decrease wanted levelEnter ' You want freedom' as a code to decrease your wanted level. Increase horse bondingEnter ' My kingdom is a horse' as a code to increase horse bonding. Increase horse whistle rangeEnter ' Better than my dog' as a code to increase horse whistle range. Create buggyEnter ' Keep your dreams light' as a code to create a buggy.

Create circus wagonEnter ' Would you be happier as a clown?' As a code to create a circus wagon. Note: Before this code can be activated, you must purchase the 'Blackwater Ledger No. 73' newspaper in West Elizabeth (Epilogue - Part 2). Create race horseEnter ' Run! As a code to create a race horse. Create random horseEnter ' You want something new' as a code to create a random horse.

Create superior horseEnter ' You want more than you have' as a code to create a superior horse. Create wagonEnter ' Keep your dreams simple' as a code to create a wagon. Create war horseEnter ' You are a beast built for war' as a code to create a war horse. Note: Before this code can be activated, you must purchase the 'Blackwater Ledger No. 72' newspaper in West Elizabeth (Epilogue - Part 1). Set Dead Eye Level 2Enter ' Make me better' as a code to set Dead Eye Level 2.

Set Dead Eye Level 3Enter ' I shall be better' as a code to set Dead Eye Level 3. Set Dead Eye Level 5Enter ' I seek and I find' as a code to set Dead Eye Level 5. Become drunkEnter ' A fool on command' as a code to become drunk. Infinite moneyTo get an unlimited number of gold bars, simply complete the following steps after reaching Chapter 2:1.

Go to 'Limpany' (at the following ), a burned-down village just slightly northwest of Flatneck Station. If you are in the Horseshoe Overlook camp, it is a bit southwest.2.

Create a manual save (Pause Menu, Story, Save Game) so you can return to a save file without the exploit, if desired. Also, disable autosaves to make this easier (Pause Menu, Settings, General, Autosave Off).3. Open the lockbox inside the burned-down Sheriff building, but do not loot anything from it.

There must be a gold bar and letter inside. If you do not see the letter, it is because you already bought the 'Special Horse Stimulant Pamphlet' from a Fence, and this exploit will not work.4. Look at the gold so it shows the words 'Gold Bar' in bottom right corner. It is easier in first-person view. While looking at the gold bar, save the game, exit the game through the menu, then select 'Resume Story' at the title screen (Pause Menu - Story - Save Game - Click Back - Story - Exit - Title Screen - Story).5. You will spawn somewhere nearby.

Return to the box, and the letter should be gone. There will now be unlimited gold bars in the box. Collect as many as you can carry (30 maximum, each is worth $500 = $15,000 total).6. Sell the 30 gold bars at a Fence for $15,000. For example, at Emerald Ranch (nearest one).Repeat steps 3-6 as many times as desired to get an unlimited amount of money.

$15,000 is enough to last a full playthrough though. After completing the story, you get an additional $20,000, which is more money than you will ever need.

So doing this once should suffice. If you wish to repeat the process, make sure you close and reopen the lockbox to make the letter respawn. Then, aim at the gold bar again, save the game manually, quit out to title screen, continue, ride back to lockbox, and pick up 30 gold bars again. Note: This glitch was performed on an unpatched version of the game. It will probably eventually get patched. To avoid not being able to use this exploit, either do not install new patches before using this exploit or delete the patches. You can avoid patches being installed by disconnecting from the internet until you are ready for the game to install new patches.

Easy Cigarette CardsThere are 144 Cigarette Cards in RDR2, consisting of 12 sets with 12 cards each. Getting one complete set is needed for 100% completion. To collect them all, you must first start the 'Smoking And Other Hobbies' mission from a stranger at Flatneck station. Nancy drew imdb cw. It becomes available after the 'Who Is Not Without Sin' Chapter 2 story mission.

One card per set only becomes available after accepting this quest. To easily collect all card quickly and easily, you need approximately $2,000 and between 10 minutes with a fully upgraded satchel or 60 minutes with a basic satchel. Complete the following steps:1. Go to any General Store (for example, in Valentine).

Buy Premium Cigarette Packs (Provisions - Tobacco - Premium Cigarettes). Hold B to close the store book.

Press D-pad Right to open the Satchel. Discard all Premium Cigarettes from your inventory.

Buy new Premium Cigarettes, discard them, and repeat. Note: To make this even easier, buy the cigarettes off the shelf and discard them there, then buy them again right there without the catalogue animation.Keep doing this until you get all 144 Cigarette Cards. You can view how many you have collected in the Compendium. Each Premium Cigarette Pack gives you one random card, but you can just keep buying them until you got all cards. After completing the story, you get $20,000, which is more than enough to buy the cards. Once you have all 144 cards, mail them to the quest giver at the post office. The best parts of using this method is the rewards you get from the quest giver can make you more money than the cards cost, and you can sell duplicates at any Fence vendor.

You also do not have to spend approximately 15 hours running around to get these collectibles. Unlocking fast travel and free fast travelThere are three types of fast travel (and automatic horse travel) in Red Dead Redemption 2. After completing Chapter 2: 'Money Lending And Other Sins' (given by Strauss), you will unlock the ledger. You can then put money in the tithing box and upgrade the camp. Buy the two camp upgrades in the lodging category: 'First Things First' ($220) and 'Next In Line' ($325). The second upgrade unlocks a fast travel map behind Arthur's tent.

However, this fast travel is only one-way. It can only be used to reach discovered towns, and there is no way to fast travel back to camp. There is a hidden feature the game does not make known. Simply place a waypoint marker anywhere on the map, then start riding on the road and hold the View button to make your horse automatically run to the marked location. You can then release the button and wait while you travel to the marked location. Note: Predators and bandits can still hurt you along the way - so keep an eye open.

There is also fast travel from train stations and stagecoaches for $5 to $15, but you can only travel between towns and not to your own camp. You can use this option to reach the town closest to your camp, and then ride the rest of the way. Secret weaponsSuccessfully complete the indicated task or go to the listed location to get the corresponding secret weapon:Secret gunsAlgernon's Revolver: Successfully complete the 'Duchesses And Other Animals' Stranger mission to unlock it.

Talk to Algernon Wasp in his shop in Saint Denis to begin this quest.Calloway's Revolver: Collect it from Slim Grant, one of the duelist targets you will pursue by talking to the writer in the saloon in Valentine. He will send you on 'The Noblest Of Men, And A Woman' Stranger mission to defeat five duelists (Slim Grant is one of them). Talk to the Sheriff in Annesburg in Chapter 4-6 to find Slim Grant's location.Flaco's Revolver: Collect it from Flaco Hernandez, one of the duelist targets you will pursue by talking to the writer in the saloon in Valentine. He will send you on 'The Noblest Of Men, And A Woman' Stranger mission to defeat five duelists (Flaco Hernandez is one of them). Flaco can be found in his camp, which is located near Cairn Lake, outside Colter.Granger's Revolver: Collect it from Emmet Granger, one of the duelist targets you will pursue by talking to the writer in the saloon in Valentine.

He will send you on 'The Noblest Of Men, And A Woman' Stranger mission to defeat five duelists (Emmet Granger is one of them). Emmet Granger can be found at the homestead east of Flatneck Station.Micah's Revolver: Return to Micah's camp on Mount Hagen after completing Epilogue 2.

Loot Micah's frozen corpse to collect his unique revolver, found at the site of the final shootout in 'American Venom'.Midnight Pistol: Collect it from Billy Midnight, one of the duelist targets you will pursue by talking to the writer in the saloon in Valentine. He will send you on 'The Noblest Of Men, And A Woman' Stranger mission to defeat five duelists (Billy Midnight is one of them). Billy Midnight is accessible from the train station in Rhodes.Otis Miller's (Gold) Revolver: It is found in a hidden treasure chest, in a small cave north of Cholla Springs (along the northern mountains, west of Twin Rocks) in New Austin. To find the cave, you need two treasure hunt maps.

One map piece is located at the Hermit Woman's shack, east of the northernmost tip of Little Creek River in West Elizabeth. The second map piece is located in Manito Glade cabin, just north of Annesburg. Note: The Golden Revolver is only available after you begin the Epilogue. The treasure chest also will not appear until both pieces of the map are obtained.Rare Rolling Block Rifle: Collect it from the sniper shooting from the barn at the end of the 'Magicians For Sport' mission.Rare Shotgun: Collect it from the Hermit. The Hermit can be found in a cave west of Hanging Dog Ranch. Deep in the cave, the Hermit will appear. You can talk to him up to five times.

You need to wait three in-game days between each visit. If you kill him, he will drop the shotgun.Secret melee weaponsAncient Tomahawk: It is found stuck in a target on the east side of Calumet Ravine, east of the Wapiti Indian Reservation.Antler Knife: It is found stuck in a dead bear, northwest of Hanging Dog Ranch.Broken Pirate Sword: It is found on an island south of Saint Denis. Use a boat to travel south from the southernmost bridge into town.Civil War Knife: It is found in the basement of Fort Brennand, an abandoned fort outside Van Horn.Double Bit Hatchet: It is found on a tree stump, northwest of Wallace Station.Hewing Hatchet: It is found on a tree stump, by the southern shore of Moonstone Pond.Hunter Hatchet: It is found stuck in a tree stump, south of Widow's Rock.Jawbone Knife: Successfully complete the 'A Test Of Faith' Stranger mission to unlock it. The stranger can be found southwest of Horseshoe Overlook in New Hanover.Rusted Double Bit Hatchet: It is found on a tree stump in Annesburg. Travel north from the coal burner.Rusted Hunter Hatchet: It is found stuck in a tree stump, next to a shack halfway between O'Creagh's Run and Elysian Pool.Viking Hatchet: It is found in the Old Tomb area, next to the skeleton in the center, northeast from Beaver Hollow.Wide-Blade Knife: It is found in the Beryl's Dream mine, west of Mount Shann. Interact with the explosives plunger to clear the entrance. The knife is in a dead body, deep inside.

Secret Vampire locationTo encounter a secret vampire, first find the five hidden messages written on the walls in Saint Denis. The five hidden messages can be found at the following locations:1. In the alley, north of the post office. It is found in the hall behind the grass. Found further north, in the arched hallway dead end. Found on the southern wall of the building with the butcher and general store. Found in a small courtyard behind a gate near the trapper's location.

Found on the side of a large red building north of the second 'N' in Saint Denis.After finding all five scrawlings and adding them to your journal, you will draw a map of the area. The vampire will now spawn south of the church, down an alley. Wait three days, then return at night to possibly encounter the vampire. He appears randomly.

This is due to the fact that they generally work with a specific version of the game and after updating it or choosing another language they may (although do not have to) stop working or even malfunction.Extra care should be taken with modifications, trainers, and other things that were not created by the game’s developers. Phantom dust download for pc. Note: The cheats and tricks listed above may not necessarily work with your copy of the game.


Sleep at the large saloon and check the alley south of the church, shown on your pentagram map. If the kids are not in the alley, the vampire will spawn. If you get too close to the vampire, he will kill you with a single knife attack. Bonus cutsceneReach 100% game completion to view a bonus cutscene. Jack Hall Gang treasure map hunt location and solutionThis treasure hunt is part of the 'All That Glitters' Stranger mission in RDR2. It counts towards the 'Treasure Hunter' collectible task under the 100% checklist.

The map is bought from Maximo after accepting his 'All That Glitters' quest. If you already robbed and killed him, you can buy it from any fence vendor. You must then find three treasure locations.

The first two are actually just maps that lead you to the next clue. The third location is the final treasure consisting of two gold bars. These can be sold at a fence vendor for $1,000. This is a good way to quickly make money early in the game (starting in Chapter 2).Poisonous Trail treasure map hunt location and solutionThis treasure hunt begins when you collect a map in a cabin at Cairn Lake, as shown in the video. It counts towards the 'Treasure Hunter' collectible task under the 100% checklist. You must then find three treasure locations.

The first two are actually just maps that lead you to the next clue. The third location is the final treasure consisting of four gold bars. These can be sold at a fence vendor for $2,000. This is a good way to quickly make money early in the game (starting in Chapter 2).All mini-game locationsThere are four mini-games: Blackjack, Dominoes, Five Finger Fillet, and Poker. You only need to start playing all of them for a moment to get the 'Hobby Horse' achievement.

You do not need to win, or even finish the match. After sitting down for a game, you can simply stand up again and leave. You can keep track of this at the pause menu under 'Progress' - 'Total Completion' - 'Table Games'.

The mini-games can be found at the following locations:Blackjack: Found in Rhodes (Saloon) Dominoes: Found in Saint Denis (Park) Five Finger Fillet: Found in Strawberry Poker: Found in Saint Denis (Saloon)All Dinosaur Bone locationsSearch the indicated locations to find all 30 Dinosaur Bones in RDR2. Dinosaur Bone are a type of collectible needed to reach 100% completion and are required to complete the 'A Test Of Faith' Stranger mission for Deborah MacGuiness. None of them are missable.

However, eight are found in the New Austin area, where bounty hunters will instantly kill you until you have completed the story. So you must first complete the game to collect all of them. Always click Left Analog-stick + Right Analog-stick when near them with eagle eye to highlight the Dinosaur Bones.All Dreamcatcher locationsSearch the indicated locations to find all 20 Dreamcatcher in RDR2. Dreamcatchers are a type of collectible that hang in trees. They can be collected at any time after reaching Chapter 2. None of them are missable.

Approach the tree and hold Y to investigate the Dreamcatcher. Click Left Analog-stick + Right Analog-stick to highlight them in yellow so they are easier to see. You can view how many Dreamcatchers you found by going to the pause menu and navigating to 'Progress' - 'Total Completion' - 'Dreamcatchers'.

They add 2% to your total game completion. Collect all Dreamcatchers to get the Ancient Arrowhead perk from the cave behind the waterfall at Elysian Pool. It makes your stamina last twice as long when using the bow.All grave locationsSearch the indicated locations to find all nine graves in RDR2 and get the 'Paying Respects' achievement. Graves are a type of collectible needed to reach 100% completion.

They only spawn after completing the story. So you must play through the story first before you can do this.Timeline1.

Jenny Kirk - 0:05 2. Davey Callander - 0:55 3. Eagle Flies - 1:30 4. Arthur Morgan - 1:55 5.

Susan Grimshaw - 2:43 6 and 7. Hosea Matthews and Lenny Summers - 3:30 8. Kieran Duffy - 4:13 9.

Sean MacGuire - 4:37All Legendary Animal locationsSearch the indicated locations to find all 16 Legendary Animals in Red Dead Redemption 2. Finding just five Legendary Animals is required for 100% completion. However, finding all of them is required for the 'Skin Deep' and 'Zoologist' achievements, and it also gives you lots of materials for trinkets and talismans, which unlock passive perks. After the bear hunt with Hosea in Chapter 2, you get the Legendary Animals map from him (which can be viewed in your Satchel under Documents). You cannot complete all of them until you have completed the story, as three are in an area that is unavailable until the Epilogue. The Legendary 'Giaguaro' Panther only spawns after completing the first nine Master Hunter challenges.

To find the Legendary Animals, go inside the search area and make sure a note appears in the top left corner saying 'You have entered Legendary Animal Territory. Hunt this Legendary Animal by finding and inspecting clues.' Only then clues will spawn, but they show up at random spots within the search area. Press Left Analog-stick + Right Analog-stick to enter eagle vision and look for yellow 'dust', which are the clues. Follow three of these 'yellow dust' clues to find the trail that leads to the Legendary Animal. Do not just randomly roam the area, as you actually have to activate all clues to get the animal to spawn.Timeline1. Legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear - 0:05 2.

Legendary Moose - 1:48 3. Legendary Beaver - 4:23 4. Legendary Boar - 6:38 5. Legendary Bull Gator - 8:48 6. Legendary Fox - 10:48 7. Legendary Coyote - 12:00 8. Legendary Big Horn Ram - 14:10 9.

Legendary Elk - 15:59 10. Legendary Wolf - 18:13 11. Legendary White Bison - 20:08 12. Legendary Buck - 22:52 13. Legendary Tatanaka Bison - 25:03 14. Legendary Pronghorn - 27:03 15. Legendary Cougar - 29:30 16.

Legendary 'Giaguaro' Panther - 31:35All Legendary Fish locationsGo to the indicated locations to catch all 13 Legendary Fish in RDR2. The following guide shows all Legendary Fish and how to complete the 'Fisher Of Fish' Stranger mission.

You can only catch all fish after having completed the story because the New Austin region will not be available before then. Complete the following steps:Step 1. Accept the 'Fisher Of Fish' Stranger mission, which is available in Chapter 3, but cannot be completed until after the story.Step 2. Buy Special Lures from the Bait Shop. Note: They are only available after accepting the 'Fisher Of Fish' Stranger mission.Step 3.

Go to the indicated fishing spots, catch all fish, and mail them back to the quest giver through the post office.Step 4. Return to post office after a day to receive an invitation from the quest giver; read it.Step 5. Return to quest giver and play his 'A Fisher Of Fish II' follow-up mission.To catch Legendary Fish, equip the Special Lure that is displayed in the video (legendaries can only be caught with Special Lures). Do not equip any bait. Bait will attract the wrong fish. Legendary Fish are only attracted to Special Lures that match their water type, but not to bait.

Put the lure in water, and slowly reel it in until you get a bite. Once you get a bite, reel it in quickly, and pull the Left Analog-stick Up and Down. When you pull the Left Analog-stick Down, you can see your character pull the fishing rod up, which instantly pulls the fish towards you.

Stop reeling when the fish is trying to get away, or the line will break and it will get away. After catching the fish, take it to the post office and mail it. If you lose the fish, it will still get sent to the post office automatically and can also be mailed later. Nothing is missable.TimelineStep 1: Start 'Fisher Of Fish' quest - 0:05 Step 2: Buy special lures - 3:03 1.

Legendary Steelhead Trout - 3:28 2. Legendary Perch - 4:21 3. Legendary Muskie - 5:06 4. Legendary Longnose Gar - 6:00 5.

Legendary Bullhead Catfish - 6:36 6. Legendary Lake Sturgeon - 7:03 7. Legendary Bluegill - 7:55 8. Legendary Chain Pickerel - 8:41 9. Legendary Sockeye Salmon - 9:21 10. Legendary Smallmouth Bass - 10:06 11.

Legendary Rock Boss - 10:49 12. Legendary Redfin Pickerel - 11:34 13. Legendary Largemouth Bass - 12:02 Step 3: Mail all fish to quest giver - 12:52 Step 4: Return after one day to get invitation from post office; read it - 13:08 Step 5: Return to quest giver, play 'A Fisher Of Fish II' follow-up quest - 13:30All Rock Carving locationsGo to the indicated locations to find all ten Rock Carvings in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Rock Carvings are part of the 'Geology For Beginners' Stranger side mission. They are also a collectible type needed for reaching 100% completion. It is important to complete this side mission for it to add towards your game completion.

Just finding the Rock Carvings does not add any game completion - only completing the mission does.All gold medals listThe following video shows the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 gold medals list requirements for every story mission from the in-game mission log. There are 104 total missions (each has a gold medal). Unlock 70 of the 104 gold medals to get the 'Gold Rush' achievement.

The remaining 34 are not needed for anything. Thus, you can select the ones that are easiest for you. In order to get a gold medal, you must complete all requirements in the same run. All missions can be replayed from the mission log (pause menu - Progress - Story). The game does not display the requirements on the first playthrough, but you can unlock the medals if you know the requirements, which is why the video comes in handy. You can save yourself a lot of time on replays and get them completed during your first playthrough.100% completion checklistThe following is the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 100% checklist from the in-game progress menu.

It reveals everything needed to reach 100% completion in RDR2.