Mega Man X4 Walkthrough Average ratng: 3,5/5 6417 votes

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Megaman X4Zero WalkthroughContents:1. Legal Stuff2. Legal StuffThis Walkthrough may only appear at:gamefaqs.comcheatcc.comcheatcodes.comgame-revolution.comneoseeker.comIf you see it somewhere else contact me inmediately at:2. CONTROLSStart Button: Pause, resume, selectX Button: Jump, select/ Button: Special technique buttonO button: Dash Button: Use Z-saberR2 Button: Giga Attack button (Rakuhouha)3. ITEMSENERGY CAPSULESSmall: Recovers a couple bars of energy or fills up one bar of E-Tank energy.Medium: Recovers about 1/4 energy or fills up two bars of E-Tank energy.Large: Recovers all of energy or fills up three bars of E-Tank energy.WEAPON CAPSULESSmall: Recovers a couple bars of energy for Rakuhouha or fills up one bar of W-Tankenergy.Medium: Recovers a few bars of energy for Rakuhouha or fills up two bars of W-Tankenergy.Large: Recovers all of energy for Rakuhouha and fills up three bars of W-Tankenergy.MISC.Zero Icon (his helmet): Worth one free life.Heart: Increases max. Energy by three bars (eight in whole game)E-Tank: Allows you to store extra energy for later use (two in whole game,reuasable).W-Tank: Allows you to store extra weapon energy for later use (one in whole game,reuasable).EX-Tank: Lets you start the game with four lives instead of two (one in whole game,reuasable)4. VEHICLESNormal Robot Armor: Found in the Magma Dragoon and Slash Beast stages.

Use the button to slash and the X and O buttons to jump and dash.Eagle Robot Armor: Found in the Storm Owl stage and Final Weapon: Area 2. Press the to shoot. Hold the button to power up, then shoot three homing shots. Pressthe X Button while in mid-air to hover. Press the X Button while hovering to dropdown.Jet Bike: Found in the Jet Stingray stage. Use the button to shoot out shots. Thebike also has a built-in Air Dash (X, then O Buttons).5.

WALKTHROUGHSKY LAGOONAREA #1: Who could have made an easier starting level? Unlike other Mega Man games,this is split into two different areas, one aboard the Sky Lagoon and the other oneon the ground. This stage couldn't be more straightforward. Just go right andobliterate everything (including any walls or barriers). Make it to the end andyou'll see the fate of the Sky Lagoon and the city below it.-SUB-BOSS: KING DRAGON- If you are the 100%-completion only player, you can tryto defeat the giant dragon Maverick. All you have to do is wait for his fist topound through the ground, then hit him for all you're worth.

He will go down reallyquickly.AREA #2: Going back to the fate of the city, this place looks like WWIII justoccured. Not only are there still Mavericks living after the crash, but some of theblocks and ledges, how should I put this, 'shift' around, sometimes leading toward anot-too-pleasant Maverick Hunter pancake. Although there are shifting elements, thisis also very straightforward. Just keep moving right, killing all the robots andblowing your way through the vulnerable barriers. At the end, you may fall into acompactor.

Get the extra life and the energy, then GET OUT OF THERE!-BOSS: KING DRAGON- The boss is that dragon guy from Area 1, except you mustfight him. This couldn't be easier. Just keep hitting him, and he's toast. Just becareful when he flies around or shoots energy orbs.

MAVERICK STAGES The order Ihave here is probably the best to take these guys on.JUNGLE (WEB SPIDER)Area #1: I must say, this is quite an impressive area. The waterfalls here are anice effect, but don't get lulled into a false sense of security. This jungle isfilled with Mavericks. You need to just slash through here. At the end, just blowthrough the door to get to Area 2.Area #2: Now you're in the real jungle area.

As with other jungles, there are plentyof snakes, bees, and spiders roaming around. To get rid of them, just hit them onceor twice. Try blowing up those beehives to get rid of the bees. Sometimes there areitems hidden inside.-HEART- The heart in this stage is hidden quite well. Know those wooden stumpsblocking some shortcuts? The second one hides a heart. To get to the heart, comeback here after you have defeated Magma Dragoon and have Ryuenjin.-BOSS: WEB SPIDER- Web Spider is the easiest of the 8 Mavericks to beat.

For thefirst part, hit him when he comes down, and jump up and off the walls to get by thehoming webs. After a while, he'll come down, and make a network of harmless webs. Ashe's traveling through it, he'll occasionally shoot those little spiders at you, andmaybe a homing web. Just keep hitting him and he'll go away in no time. As Zero, youcan't knock him off the thread.

Sorry.BIO LABORATORY (SPLIT MUSHROOM) Area #1: I can honestly say, this is not an easylevel. You will be constantly destroying Mavericks the whole way through.

Mega Man X4 Walkthrough

Thosestaircases are a nice effect, though. The staircase here is not that hard. Just goup and get rid of any enemies on the way. The shaft is a little harder. Every timeyou go by a certain part, you cannot go back down. Just keep getting rid of all theenemies and watch out for the occasional spiked walls.-SUB-BOSS: SPIKED BEETLE- The mid-boss here is a piece of cake. Go to the farright ledge, then wait for it to come up, then jump left and use Raijingeki on thisguy.

He'll be history after 3-5 hits.Area #2: IMHO, this is the easier of the two areas. The staircase here is actuallyquite difficult, but the rest isn't too bad.-HEART- To get the heart, go up the staircase and through the teleporter.

You'llsee it above you and slightly to the right. Let the drills destroy the ledge andthen let them go down. At this point, use Kuuenbu to get up there.

You'll definitelyneed to come back, because you must defeat Split Mushroom first. After getting bythe drill section, you'll be on an elevator. Hit the 'face' of each of those spikedworm things and make sure not to get crushed under a platform. At the top, get theitems, then go up.-BOSS: SPLIT MUSHROOM- Beating Split Mushroom is a cinch with Raijingeki. Lethim jump on a wall, let him shoot the holograms, then activate it IMMEDIATELY afterhe shoots the 8th hologram so he lands on it, then repeat. It only takes 12 hitsthis way.

Otherwise, just be very accurate and remember not to try to hitthe 'clone' mushroom. The gas attacks near the end are real pains, but it's possibleto still win.VOLCANO (MAGMA DRAGOON)Area #1: Who decided to put a base in a volcano? With all that lava and surpriseexplosions and meteors, how could you stand it? This is one of the trickiest of theMaverick stages. There's not a whole lot to talk about, except you can take out themeteors with Kuuenbu. Just be careful when jumping the gaps with two or threefireballs.

At the end, just keep hitting the door until it opens.Area #2: If you didn't like Area 1, you'll just hate this area. You start outjumping across a canyon full of fireballs on these little platforms.

Of course, somefireballs like to hit those platforms, and two hits and the platforms are history.The next part involves a meteor shower from here to Dragoon. Slip on the robot armorand charge your way through the lava and enemies to reach Dragoon. BTW, if you'reout of the armor and you go in the lava, you're history.-HEART- To get the heart, proceed until you see the first robot enemy.

Kill it,then look to the left. There is a cliff with a flat surface on the top. Use Kuuenbuto get atop the cliff and claim the heart.-BOSS: MAGMA DRAGOON- No matter how you battle Dragoon, he is easy. If you stillhave the robot armor, just follow the ground until you see a tunnel with blocksblocking it. Break through, and you'll be in Dragoon's lair. To beat him with thearmor, hit him and dodge as many attacks as possible. You can beat him withoutlosing the armor.

Or, you could use Raijingeki and Kuuenbu. If neither is available,just get physical and use the Z-saber and dodge his load of attacks.CYBERSPACE (CYBER PEACOCK)Area #1: This whole stage is actually a virtual simulation, but it doesn't seemthat way. Everything has a real danger to it. If you like going through each stageslowly to get everything, you'll hate Area 1. This area is composed of threevirtual 'races'.

Get to the end of these ASAP. Getting an 'S' rating takes you to ahidden room, then to the next part. Getting an 'A' rating takes you to the nextpart. Getting a 'B' or lower rating takes you back to the start of the current part.Getting an 'S' rating in the first part gets you a 1-UP. This is too easy. Thereshould be no problems here.-HEART- Getting an 'S' rating in the second part gets you a heart.

This one isjust a little harder. Use Kuuenbu to get rid of the orbs that come head-on right foryou.-E-TANK- Getting an 'S' rating in the third part gets you an E-tank. If youdon't have Kuuenbu, you'll hate this part. You'll probably hate this part even ifyou do have Kuuenbu. Use Kuuenbu on everything in your path and you should getthrough if you don't mess up.Area #2: Those 'races' are finally gone, but the simulation isn't over yet. Thisarea invoves turning the stage upside down a few times to get those purple orbs toroll through the pink blocks, giving you access to get by them. It's almost like afew very small puzzles.-BOSS: CYBER PEACOCK- Cyber Peacock is a serious pain without Ryuenjin.

UsingRyuenjin is very easy. 12 hits and he's history. If you're short Ryuenjin, keephitting him while using every trick in the book to dodge those homing feathers. Itcan be done. Other than that, you should have no problems. If you are using the pathdescribed here, after you complete this stage you will be forced to go to MemorialHall to fight Colonel.

That is described right after the Maverick Stages.AIR FORCE (STORM OWL) Area #1: If you liked the robot armors from X3, you'll LOVEthe eagle armor in this stage. Not only can you shoot three homing shots if youcharge it up, you can also hover, as in hover until you get hit or fall yourself.The best stage to be in for armor lovers.-HEART- The heart can be found on one of those platforms that will end upgetting destroyed by a laser.

If I'm thinking corectly, it's the first one. Make itto the end of this area, past all the mini-ships, lasers, and those jumping dudes,and you'll teleport to Area 2.Area #2: Now you're on Storm Owl's base ship. This stage is very short, butchallenging. The only way to get across the spiked pit is with the moving ledge.Shoot down the laser guys or they'll shoot at you.-SUB-BOSS: PINK ORB- To take out the pink orb in the wall, use Kuuenbu. Take outthe laser guys, and shoot when the orb is showing.

It should be gone soon.-BOSS: STORM OWL- Storm Owl is very hard without Rakuhouha, but is too easy withit. Wait until he is right next to you, then shoot. You only have 4 shots, so youmight run out of shots before he's gone, so be prepared to duke it out. If you don'thave Rakuhouha, you're in trouble.

All his cyclone and wind oriented attacks cantake you down quickly. Avoid them to the best of your ability. This might take awhile.SNOW BASE (FROST WALRUS)Area #1: Ok, we're going from fire to ice. The good thing is, there are no freezesprays/jets (anyone played Ice Cap Zone in Sonic 3? They're really annoying!).-HEART- The heart is real easy to get. Stay on the ground and look up to theceiling until you see a giant block of ice.

Use Ryuenjin to melt the ice and get theheart.-EX-TANK- To find the EX-tank, go all the way right until you can't go rightanymore. Climb all the way up and you'll see it on a ledge above you.

How to get it?Kuuenbu. This will give you four starting lives instead of two.-SUB-BOSS: ICE EYE- If anyone needs to know how to beat the mid-boss, justRyuenjin it when the eye is showing and dodge all the attacks. Try using it on theicicles on the ceiling.Area #2: Now we're in a tunnel with ice cubes all over the place. Secret of mana map.

Just shootthrough them. The second half here involves a series of sequences where a bird willappear and freeze a few things up (not you).

Kill it to dodge this.-W TANK- The W tank is a cinch to find. In the 2nd to last column of ice cubesnear the ceiling, it's the top block. Or, just hit every block until you find it.-BOSS: FROST WALRUS- Frost Walrus can be extremely annoying without Ryuenjin.Hit him with it, then jump up a wall and over him when he charges towards you. Keeprepeating until he will start making a giant icicle instead. Wait for him to makethat, go up and hit him, and repeat.

If you don't have it, just be careful and shootdown any icicles or ice particles he shoots at you.MARINE BASE (JET STINGRAY)Area #1: This is the most original level in the whole Mega Man series. Who doesn'tlike jet bikes? These have built-in Air Dashing, and you'll be using it a lot. Thebasic strategy is shoot everything down, leap a few pits, and don't kill yourself.-HEART- To get the heart, you need to pay attention. It's between the third andfourth pits.

Jump the first two, and don't jump at the thirs to get it, then jump atthe fourth to get back up.Area #2: This area is a little harder. The pits are gone, but there are plenty morewalls, enemies, and Jet Stingray even makes two appearances. Just use the dashattack to get rid of him.-E-TANK- The E-tank is near the end. You'll see a small ledge about 1 1/2 to 2bike lengths long.

Jump on it, then jump and Air Dash. If you're lucky, you'll dashthrough the blocks and get it. You'll have to make a quick jump to get over the lastsmall barrier and off the bike.-BOSS: JET STINGRAY- Jet Stingray is an appropriate name for him. His attacksare either releasing mini-stingrays or dashing all over the place.

He hates ice,though, so use Hyoretsuzan to freeze him, and he'll go back up and come down again.Keep hitting him and he'll go away after 12 hits. Beating him with the Z-saber takesa little practice. Avoid all the stingrays and dashes and he's gone.MILITARY TRAIN (SLASH BEAST)Area #1:Finally, the last Maverick stage. This is the longest stage in the game. Each areatakes about 2 1/2 to 3 minutes to complete. Although it's long, it's also prettyeasy. For this area, jump quickly when the boxcars are cut off the train.

Nothingreally here for a better description. Oh yeah, you can't destroy the blue blocks,until you get to Area 2.-SUB-BOSS: SPIKED BOXCAR- Battling the mid-boss is really easy.

Jump down anduse Raijingeki on the bottom spike, and just use your Z-saber or Kuuenbu to take outthe other two.Area #2: This area is totally overpopulated with enemies. But, you can even up theodds by jumping in the robot armor and obliterating things, even some of the boxcarsand those annoying blue blocks.-HEART- If you can't get the heart, you need to return the game.

It's sittingright on top of the second boxcar after you get the armor. Of course, it's in themiddle of Enemy Country, though.-BOSS: SLASH BEAST- What is this dude, a mountain lion? Pay close attention ifyou're playing as Zero. You can't stop his attacks, so use Raijingeki when you getthe chance and Kuuenbu the rest of the time.MEMORIAL HALLYou will be forced here when you defeat 4 of the 8 Mavericks. Actually, all you dohere is watch a FMV of Zero and Colonel fighting.

It's pretty cool.SPACE PORT These final few stages aren't all that tough, and there are no real bigsecrets like X2 or X3, so I won't really give a good description, basically onlysome high points and the boss strategies. Use Kuuenbu to blast through here.-BOSS: COLONEL- Colonel is basically the same as in the first battle, but thistime he has two new attacks and he's faster.

This time, there are also walls. UseHyoretsuzan to hit him and Kuuenbu to dodge the electricity.FINAL WEAPON Note: This level is divided up into four areas.FINAL WEAPON: AREA 1Just use Kuuenbu and this is easy.-BOSS: IRIS- Iris is actually easy to beat. Hit the walker about 7 times to getthe crystal to come out. Every time you hit the walker, mines come out.

Use Ryuenjin on the crystal. When the crystal goes down on the ground, stayaway from the wall until Iris shoots her laser, then IMMEDIATELY jump up onto thewall just before you get hit. 12 hits with Ryuenjin and Iris is, well, dead.FINAL WEAPON: AREA 2Taking the top path is easier. The top path is just a series of jumps in a spike-filled corridor. To get over the first spiked wall, use Kuuenbu. The bottom path isa tricky area using the Eagle armor.

Be patient on both areas and you'll do fine.-BOSS: GENERAL- General isn't too hard, he's just too big. Use Kuuenbu wheneveryou can and avoid all his attacks.FINAL WEAPON: AREA 3Go to the right, then fall down the shaft. You'll be in the room, where you have toenter the teleporters and battle the 8 Mavericks again. When they're all gone, go inthe gold one to get to Area 4.FINAL WEAPON: AREA 4SIGMA!-BOSS #1: SIGMA (Reaper Form)- Enter the door, and come face to face with Sigma.For his first form, use Ryuenjin when he appears above you.-BOSS #2: SIGMA (Traditional Form)- The second form is harder. Use a combo ofRaijingeki and Kuuenbu this time. Avoid his whatamacallit when he jumps up. When hethrows it again, make sure it lands on a wall, then jump over Sigma to dodge thelasers.

If it landed on the floor, you're in trouble.-FINAL BOSS: SIGMA (Alien/Giant Head Form)- After that, go down in the hole inthe floor, and come face-to-face with Sigma's final and most deadly form. There arefive parts to this monster. The giant head will either try to suck you in, or willsuck in garbage and shoot it at you. The alien will shoot lasers at you, that'sabout it. The three heads wil do varied things and will also atttack sometimes; thered head shooting fireballs, the yellow head shooting electricity, and the blue headblowing his icy breath. Basically, use Kuuenbu on everything and he'll go away soonenough.


RECENT UPDATESMegaMan X4 US Action Replay CodesThese are all of the US Action Replay Codes that I have for Megaman X4 which is part of the MegaMan X Collection for the Nintendo Gamecube. If you're in need of the instead please follow the link provided to be taken to that guide.When using Action Replay codes for the Gamecube you'll need to remember to enable to Master Code before any of the codes you use work.