Vilena Average ratng: 4,4/5 9208 votes

Contents BackgroundVilena is the mother of two sons: and his then-deceased older brother. Vitellus died during a contract involving. Ever since his death, Vilena has slacked on her duties as Guildmaster and refuses to send her younger son Viranus on any further jobs, fearing that something will happen to him as well.Her new attitude has caused many members of the guild to worry. The guild has always been connected to the Donton family, and with her refusal to let her son work, there is no leadership. Most of her duty has been taken up by, another member of the Guild.InteractionsVilena is one of the people who can accept new members into the guild. She will not accept any player with either high or a on their heads.When the reaches the rank of Journeyman, they will be pointed to Vilena to discuss how the actions of one guild member affects the guild as a whole; she will then point the Hero to Modryn and continue her daily routine.After the discovery of her son at, Vilena will blame the Hero and demote them (and fire Modryn for his part).

Vilena, Spain 10 Day Weather. Description, High / Low, Precip, Wind, Humidity. Mostly Cloudy. Tonny Trindade de Vilhena (Maassluis, 3 januari 1995) is een Nederlands voetballer die als middenvelder speelt. Hij stroomde in 2012 door vanuit de jeugd van Feyenoord, waar hij in mei 2017 een nieuw contract tekende tot medio 2020. In juni 2019 kwam hij met het Russische FK Krasnodar tot overeenstemming over een vijfjarig contract.

From this point on, she has a very poor relationship with the Hero, and will not initiate further dialogue with them.After the demotion, several guild members start working in secret behind Vilena's back to find out what really happened to Viranus and the other guild members at. They start looking for ways to stop the from stealing any more contracts.After the Hero stops the Blackwood Company and kills their leaders, they will reveal the truth. Despite being angry over the Hero defying her commands, she will see that her overprotective attitude was killing the guild and that it is time she stepped down and place a member who can lead the guild in charge. She will promote the Hero to and restore Modryn's rank before retiring.Vilena Donton sends the Hero to in.

He tells them that a rather undependable Guildmate named has defaulted on a contract to recover a from a mine infested with. The Hero must locate Maglir and find out why he has not returned to Chorrol.Furious with the 's vile illegal activities, Modryn Oreyn sends the Hero into their base to defeat and destroy the dangerously powerful.If another guild member is killed or from, the violator is temporarily suspended from the guild until the actions are amended.Dialogue. How may I help you? Are you perhaps interested in joining the Fighters Guild?' Join the Fighters Guild 'The Fighters Guild is always looking for new members. If you've got a clean record, and don't have a bounty on your head, we may be able to use you. Are you interested in joining?'

I'm not interested. 'It's your choice, of course. If you should change your mind, feel free to speak to me again about it.' You are now an Associate in the Fighters Guild. You should report to either Azzan in Anvil or Burz gro-Khash in Cheydinhal for contracts.'

Advancement 'You will advance through the ranks of the Fighters Guild when you have proven your merit. As you complete contracts and fulfill your duties, you'll be promoted to the next station, accepting the associated duties and responsibilites. Be aware, though, that your rank can be stripped for failure to uphold the tenets of the guild, or at the sole discretion of the guildmaster.' Fighters Guild 'See Azzan in Anvil or Burz gro-Kash in Cheydinhal for contracts.' 'Just do your job.'

I see you've been keeping yourself busy. This is good. I believe it's time for you to perform some duties for your Guild.' Duties 'We are a brotherhood, a family.

What affects one of us affects us all. Fighting, drunkenness, dereliction of duty are not tolerated. I would like you to speak with Modryn Oreyn. He will assign you any duties that are currently pending. Good luck to you.'

Duties 'For now, Modryn Oreyn will be handling your duty assignments. Please speak with him.' 'What is it you want? You were told to stay out of my sight. I'll assume you're here to tender a resignation.'

Alisa vilena

Blackwood Company 'You've done what? I had no idea it had gotten so bad. How is it you accomplished all of this?' I worked with Modryn Oreyn. He was dismissed! I should expel you now! It isn't Oreyn who is to blame.

I fear it is I. I love the Fighters Guild, and all its members, perhaps to a fault.

I fear my concern for them has made me blind to what's been happening around me. If it were not for you, and Oreyn.

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I dare not think it. Now, we must speak about what you've done, and how it will affect any further advancement.'

I did it on my own. 'You would violate a direct order? I should expel you now! This does not all fall on your shoulders. Much of the fault is mine.


I love this Guild, and all its members, perhaps to a fault. My concern for them has made me blind to what's been happening around me. Now, we must speak about what you've done, and how it will affect any further advancement in the Guild.' Advancement 'Because of your actions, I am hereby stripping you of your rank of Champion. You were reckless, foolhardy, and dangerous to yourself and the Guild.

They were also brave, and necessary. Because of this, I am hereby naming you Master of the Fighters Guild, effective immediately. The Guild has passed me. You are its future.

Take your responsibilty Do not change this to possibility. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game. seriously. I wish you luck. You still have many duties to perform.'

Duties 'Your first duty should be to name your second-in-command. I can think of no one better for this job than Modryn Oreyn. Should he accept the position, you would be well-served. Rely on his wisdom and experience more than I did, my friend.