Painkiller is the first Judas Priest album to feature drummer Scott Travis, who replaced long-time drummer Dave Holland in 1989. Travis was previously a member of Los Angeles band Racer X and with his heavy use of double pedals and blast beats, it gave Judas Priest a new sound and heavier edge. Judas Priest's Painkiller album was released in 1990 and has since went on to become a classic album, hugely respected and often included in lists of `best-ever-metal-albums.' For a Judas Priest record, Painkiller is very fast and heavy. Judas Priest - Painkiller Lyrics Faster than a bullet Terrifying scream Enraged and full of anger He's half man and half machine Rides the Metal Monster Breathing smoke and fire.
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Black Tiger - Walkthrough +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ B L A C K T I G E R +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+GAME: BLACK TIGERPLATFORM: ARCADEGENRE: ARCADE ACTIONCREATOR: CAPCOM Copyright 1987AUTHOR OF THIS FAQ: Kevin Butler AKA War DocE-MAIL: kevinb(at)technologist(dot)comFAQ VERSION: 1.11-TABLE OF CONTENTSUNIT I: INTRODUCTION1. Legal Stuff2. Version Information3. OverviewUNIT II: GAME INFORMATION6. The Game6.1 The Controls6.2 The Playing Fields6.3 Scoring6.4 Differences Between Black Tiger and Black Dragon6.5 Equipment/Items and Shops6.6 The BossesUNIT III: STRATEGIES7. Playing the Game7.1 Round 17.2 Round 27.3 Round 37.4 Round 47.5 Round 57.6 Round 67.7 Round 77.8 Round 8UNIT IV: CONCLUSION8.
ConclusionTo find a particular chapter or subchapter do the following:1. Highlight the chapter or subchapter name you wish to find.2. Press CTRL-C3. Press CTRL-F4.
Press CTRL-V5. Press CTRL-F5.
You will arrive at the desired chapter or subchapter. U N I T I.
1. LEGAL STUFF This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personalprivate use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributedpublicly without advanced permission from the author. Use of this guide onany other web site or as part of any public display is strictly prohibited, anda violation of copyright. All content in this guide is Copyright 2004 byKevin Butler. Only the sites listed below have permission to publish thiswork or to display it:www.gamefaqs.comwww.cheats.defaqs.ign.comIf you wish to put this guide on your site, e-mail me and ask.
Save yourselfthe headache of putting up with lawsuits and whatnot because you failed to aska simple 'Can I post your guide on?' If you wish to use infoin this guide, please acknowledge that you have done so. If I don't respond orI say no, accept it as fact. This especially goes out to Dave since he has a habit of taking guides without permission.
![Life of black tiger hack Life of black tiger hack](
Inaddition, do not modify this guide in any way whatsoever to suit your purposes.The latest version can always be found at you see this guide on any other site then the one listed above, pleasee-mail me. If you wish to ask questions or give input to this guide, pleasee-mail me. Just have Black Tiger as the subject so I know it isn't anotherkooky vendor trying to sell me hair gel or another XXX site telling me I havenew friends. 2. VERSION INFORMATION Version 1.0 2/ 8/04: A guide is born.Version 1.01 2/ 8/04: 1. Updated price lists.2.
Added Secret areas to Rounds.Version 1.11 7/ 5/06: 1. Added Chapter 6.4: Differences between Black Tigerand Black Dragon.2.
Added price lists for Black Dragon.3. Added some monster point values for Black Dragon.4. Added input for boss strategies.
3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The following are a list of people or organizations that have made this FAQpossible:My wonderful family (who has had to put up with the tapping on the keyboard)Capcom for making a great arcade gameGameFAQ's for putting up this FAQVesther for the differences between Black Tiger and Black Dragon, price lists,point values for Black Dragon, and boss strategies. 4. WELCOME Welcome to my FAQ for Black Tiger.
Since the game is just a linear type ofgame, there is a general walkthrough provided. This walkthrough will be brokenup into the game itself and strategies for survival. Input is appreciatedalong with constructive criticism. If you wish to e-mail me thoughts on thisFAQ, better ways of doing things, other strategies, etc., feel free.
Make sureyou put Black Tiger as the subject. If you don't, I'm liable to discard thee-mail as spam. 5. OVERVIEW Black Tiger was created by a company that had just arrived into the videoarcade arena in 1984. Capcom's first games weren't really memorable with theexception of 1942 and Ghosts 'n Goblins. By 1987, the video arcade marketstarted its slow recovery from the arcade crash four years earlier.
Capcomcame out with more memorable games such as Bionic Commando and 1943 The Battleof Midway. Although it wasn't a major force in the arcade world, Capcom stillcould hold its own against other companies such as Atari, Konami, Namco, andSega who were also still putting out arcade machines.
Capcom, though, is bestremembered for putting out the Resident Evil games ten years down the road.Good luck in defeating the three dragons and bringing light to the darkkingdom. U N I T II. 6. THE GAME Black Tiger is a two-dimensional, platform style game. It seems that threedragons descended from the heavens and wreaked havoc upon a kingdom.
Theresult of this havoc is that the kingdom is now in darkness. Of course, abarbarian comes forth to right this wrong and take on the three dragons torestore the light again. The journey, though, won't be easy since you willhave to battle all manner of creatures to make it to the final showdown. Youwill go up narrow platforms and cross over wide, spike covered pits. Inaddition, you will have to make jumps that will seem impossible. Also, youwill need money to buy the finer things of life.
Most every monster will yieldsome Zenny, the standard monetary unit, as will some of the sages you comeacross. There is a little help along the way but you will still have to useskill to make it to the end. Being a hero is not all it's cracked up to be./ 6.1 The Controls /-The controls on this game are pretty easy. It may, though, take just a littlebit of time to get used to them.- An eight-way joystick- A swing or fire button- A jump button/ 6.2 The Playing Fields /-Black Tiger involves going through different areas as you quest for money andglory. The basic screen, though, remains the same. It is just whatever areathat you are in that is different. I have included an example ofwhat the playing screen looks like:+-+ 1UP HIGH SCORE TIME VITALITY + CONDITION SUCH AS POISONED, MONEY TIME YOUR CONFUSED, ETC.