20 Best Roblox Town and City Games - Most Played
1) [EVENT] ROBLOX High School
Speed city is a game based on Roblox platform which was first introduced on 9th December 2018 and its latest update happened on 12th April 2019. Maximum of 17 players can play this game simultaneously and it has been visited by over 39 million players worldwide.
Played 226,196,293 times.2) Prison Life v2.0
Played 216,989,683 times.3) Work at a Pizza Place
Played 211,771,166 times.4) [SALE] MeepCity
Played 125,813,480 times.5) WINTER UPDATE Adopt and Raise a Cute Kid
Played 98,123,130 times.6) [PRESENTS] RoCitizens
Played 95,744,464 times.7) NEW SCHOOL! Boys and Girls Dance Club!
Played 94,518,702 times.8) NEW MAP! Life in Paradise
Played 90,429,813 times.9) ROBLOX Pokemon GO!
Played 73,195,639 times.10) Design It!
Played 56,561,978 times.11) The Neighborhood of Robloxia [V.5]
Played 50,896,971 times.12) The Plaza Beta (JEEPS)
Played 46,854,153 times.13) IT'S BACK Live Life Rich and Famous!
Played 39,290,038 times.14) Hotel Elephant
Played 38,930,003 times.15) Welcome to the Town of Robloxia™
Played 35,175,583 times.16) [ Content Deleted ]
Played 28,597,002 times.17) READ DESCRIPTION
Played 27,718,314 times.18) [WEATHER FX] Ultimate Driving: Westover Islands
Played 27,477,001 times.19) Adopt And Raise A Baby! [VIP DISCOUNT!]
Played 26,686,978 times.20) Island Life
Played 26,349,679 times.Roblox Game Genres
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